2023 Chevy Traverse vs Ford Explorer

March 5th, 2023 by

How to choose between the new 2023 Chevy Traverse and the 2023 Ford Explorer?


Both Chevy and Ford have been top in their ratings when it comes to their vehicles. So how does one make the smartest decision on debating the two when it comes to the new 2023 Chevy Traverse and the 2023 Ford Explorer? Below are a few key items that compare the two new models at a first glance.

Key Takeaways:

  • The 2023 Chevy Traverse scores #3 in midsize SUVs while the 2023 Ford Explorer scores #17
  • Chevy Traverse starts at $34,520 and Ford Explorer starts at $36,760
  • Traverse gets more MPG
  • Traverse is slightly longer in length
  • Explorer is rear wheel drive, Traverse is front wheel
  • Ford engine Intercooled Turbo Premium Unleaded I-4 2.3 L/140
  • Traverse engine Gas V6 3.6L/217
  • Both are sport utility

These two SUVs are always top runners in the SUV competition game. Both manufacturers are reliable and have substantial ratings for their vehicles. This is where we break down further the inquiries consumers have regarding these two options.

Will Chevrolet be getting rid of the Traverse in the near future?


According to GM authority, the second generation of Chevrolet Traverse will remain in production as is for this year and possibly next. It may be around 2024 that there will be a new launch of the Chevy Traverse model, but that is yet to come. So no, it doesn’t seem that Chevy is saying good-bye to the Traverse model just yet. And why would they? The ratings rolling in and stomping over other competition leads one to believe the Traverse is on the market for good reason. Check out what is going on between Chevy and Ford before putting stock into just which one you assume may be around longer than the other. Since there is no way of prediction on that topic, we can only take a look at the numbers to see what is most likely to abound.

Between the Chevy or the Ford, which is more reliable and longer lasting?

While both have great reviews and have been around for many years, the decision making can be tough. So to break it down further I have pulled the stats that are out when it comes to Chevy Traverse and a Ford Explorer. When it comes to critics’ rating, interior and safety, the 2023 Chevy Traverse scored higher than the Ford Explorer. Since both have been around since the early 1900’s there have been plenty of comparisons over the years and each manufacturer has worked to remedy solutions to come out on top. It seems that in the current year though, Chevy was able to do just that. They have some of the top picks when it comes to their pick-ups, sedans and SUVs scoring a perfect 5/5 as well as 4/5 on some models. Chevrolet is renowned for its consistency across all of their models and they have great longevity. This can prove that the Chevy Traverse has the edge on reliability due to the higher scores given. Ford does come in as a close runner up though so that is not something to dismiss. Both are great vehicles, it just leans toward the Chevy a bit more this year.


After the breakdown of what to expect from both of these reliable and well renowned vehicles, the pick that comes out on top in this comparison is the 2023 Chevy Traverse. Regarding the rating scores and all the features that Chevy has added for this model, the comparison may be close but there is no denying the ultimate winner of these two vehicles. The standard reliability and longevity that consumers have come to love and know from Chevrolet is up front and center in this new 2023 Chevy Traverse.